Why an Accredited Sports Dietitian

Accredited Sports Dietitians are trained first as dietitians before they qualify as an Accredited Sports Dietitian with Sports Dietitians Australia. The comprehensive study and application undertaken across both disciplines means an Accredited Sports Dietitian is uniquely placed to look after both the performance needs and health & clinical needs of the individual, under transparent and robust dietetic regulatory processes and competency standards.
SDA members work to proactively enhance the performance and health of people they work with through empowering behaviour change and improvement in lifestyle. Experience with elite athletes helps our members learn methods and develop resources which can help the Australian public not just improve, but to thrive.
Whether you are an elite athlete or starting out on your active journey, an Accredited Sports Dietitian is the most comprehensively qualified nutrition professional to get you there.
Find an Accredited Sports Dietitian
Minimum academic requirements for Accredited Sports Dietitians include a Bachelor degree or Masters in Dietetics, in addition to further sports nutrition studies and sports-specific practical experience, with many members also having undertaken PhD’s in sports nutrition.
Many Sports Dietitian Australia members have also studied and/or are credentialled in other exercise disciplines including exercise physiology, strength & conditioning and personal training.
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SDA Fellows |
Fellowships are awarded to Accredited Sports Dietitians who have achieved markers of excellence in their chosen practice, as well as service to SDA. This model is based on the Fellowship scheme undertaken by the American College of Sports Medicine.
SDA congratulates the following inspirational practitioners and thanks them for making such an outstanding contribution to the field of sports nutrition in both research and education.
SDA Fellows: Karen Inge, Ruth Logan, Prof Deb Kerr, Prof Fiona Pelly, Dr Liz Broad, Holly Frail (retd), Kerry Leech, Assoc Prof Gregory Cox, Sarah Dacres-Manning, Greg Shaw, Nikki Jeacocke, Kellie Hogan, Dr Alan McCubbin, Lisa Middleton, Assoc Prof Gary Slater, Dr Janelle Gifford and Prof Ben Desbrow, Simone Austin, Bronwen Lundy, Michelle Cort
Honorary Life Members |
SDA also congratulates inaugural Life Members Glenn Cardwell, Lorna Garden, Assoc Prof Helen O’Connor (posthumously) and Professor Louise Burke OAM for their outstanding contribution to the existence and effectiveness of SDA during their membership.