SDA Coaches Toolkit Stage 2

Welcome to the Coaches Toolkit developed for you by Australia’s leading Sports Dietitians. We are thrilled to release and provide access to the stage 2 resources to help you support your athletes.
Australia’s coaches have asked, and we have responded with a one stop platform for nutrition advice that our members have found works well with athletes and support staff.
The following factsheets provide answers and information to common questions we receive from athletes and support staff. To access these resources please click on the links below.
- Pre – exercise Fuelling
- Eating & Drinking During Exercise
- Maximise Energy & Fighting Fatigue
- Recovery Nutrition
- Creating a Positive Performance Culture
The information is general and will help athletes and support staff to better understand the athlete’s needs. For personalised advice and more information, click through the links within each factsheet. Group sessions are another way that helps athletes and support staff understand how to tailor their dietary requirements to their sport, within the supportive environment of the team.
If any athlete or team requires additional information or more individualised nutrition plans then please use this link to connect with an Accredited Sports Dietitian.