Media Release – Gaye Rutherford announced as SDA president of the Board

Sports Dietitians Australia (SDA) is pleased to announce the appointment of Gaye Rutherford to President of the Board. This follows the conclusion of Simone Austin’s tenure, though Ms Austin remains a pivotal member of Sports Dietitians Australia moving forward.
Ms Austin says “We are all Sports Dietitians Australia! Our members make up the Sports Dietitians Australia tribe and together we achieve more. Being engaged with your profession is how it and you will grow. I’m delighted to pass the baton to Gaye and congratulate her on the appointment”.
Gaye Rutherford is on her third term on the Sports Dietitians Australia Board, and is excited to be elected to the Presidency. Ms Rutherford brings a unique mix of experience to the organisation, having previously worked in television, corporate consulting, and business development before becoming a dietitian with a passion for wellbeing and performance. A former Board member with the Heart Foundation Tasmania Division, and longstanding Board member in commercial construction business Fairbrother, Ms Rutherford has experience across diverse Board settings and team dynamics.
“I am honoured and grateful to be given this opportunity to serve the Sports Dietitians Australia Board and tribe”, Ms Rutherford said. “The new Board has a wealth of knowledge, experience and passion, and the energy we share is so inspiring.”
Ms Rutherford paid tribute to the efforts of the wider Sports Dietitians Australia Board, staff and committees. “It’s amazing to work with teams where everyone shares the same Sports Dietitians Australia vision and passion for evidence-based sports nutrition. I have a great partner in Dom Condo, continuing Sports Dietitians Australia Vice President for her third term and who plays a vital role in our education offerings, so important with our biennial conference approaching in 2021, and who also brings members together to advocate for the value of sporting codes and teams proactively seeking to work with qualified and experienced Accredited Sports Dietitians.”
Sports Dietitians Australia also welcomes Accredited Sports Dietitian Pip Taylor and Advanced Sports Dietitian Sally Anderson to the Board. Ms Taylor and Ms Anderson bring with them a wealth of knowledge and experience across various sports settings and we look forward to their valuable contribution. Sports Dietitians Australia also welcomes Professor Paulo de Souza, Appointed Director, who has nearly two decades of work in industry, consultancy, research, and academic organisations. He brings to the board extensive experience in strategic planning, innovation, complex stakeholder management, and IT-related projects across different fields. He is a recreational ultra-marathoner based at Gold Coast and Head of the School of ICT with Griffith University.
Moving into 2021, Sports Dietitians Australia is in a strong position to serve and engage members, and to implement strategies. Ms Rutherford has great excitement for the future of Sports Dietitians Australia. “We have quickly transitioned to online learning for our members and are continuing to look for innovative ways we can serve our members, harnessing new online technology and member engagement platforms. In times when mental health has never been more important, with my well-being hat firmly on, I’m keen to explore ways Sports Dietitians Australia can increase public awareness of the ways working with an Accredited Sports Dietitian can positively support many facets of mental health.
Sports Dietitians Australia is the peak body for dietitians who undertake further professional development and credentialing specific to evidence-based sports nutrition.
Athletes of all ages and activity levels can connect with Sports Dietitians Australia’s members for sports nutrition support via
Contact information:
Marie Walters, Executive Officer, Sports Dietitians Australia,